Monday, March 22, 2010


The Student Poll has been talied up! ( What was your favorite class at Berkeley?)

Surprisingly- out of the responses here are the most popular classes:

  1. Law & Society
  2. Health Services- Anatomy
  3. Gender & Race
  4. Consumer Behavior - Marketing
and a more-like letter that any class with Professor Hill such as Intro to Criminal Justice and Police and Society is great!

Thank you to all whom participated!

As for the next part of my blog - let me tell you about the show The Price Of Beauty featuring Jessica Simpson. I actually love it and for its goal to be true to its title - it is captured in each episode greatly and still lets us see the fun loving Jessica as much as the serious careing side of her.

The episode I saw was dealing with Asian countries. I was paying extra attention since I am half from asian decent. Apparently, it is a great deal to be pale skin white over there it gives the sense of being wealthy and beautiful when being tan gives out the message of poor - people who work in the fields under the sun. I never knew nor thought of that, its strange. Especially because, here in the U.S we are all about tan-tan skin and always being under the sun. They then met with a woman who bought products that promised to lighten the skin (not knowing it had bleach) and it ruined her skin. Due to that she lost everything - including her husband leaving her because of how she looked. How horrible. She was a singer and wanted to stay "beautiful" and trying to be what other people think is beautiful nearly killed her. I approve of this show and I hope it touches peoples lives and makes people stop judging and hurting young girls.

Ttyl, have to work on my Business Organization paper.

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