Saturday, March 13, 2010


Light rain. Cloudy with strong and gusty winds. Temperatures steady in the mid 40s. Winds up to about 40 mph. Sounds great, huh?

This weather is insane, thank god I don't have a class to attend on Saturdays like some friends I have at their schools. It's terrible out and dangerous. 4 trees have already been knocked down near my home. Most of my friends lost power so I am fortunate to be blogging right now. While also checking my grades on black-board where I shall get my info about my up-coming final exams. I have a final exam for my business class next Thursday. I am very nervous. My professor had told me that if we have any questions we shall e-mail him as soon as possible and he will help us.

Right now, I am currently downloading the file that has the questions, he had posted up on blackboard. There is about 6 and 3 out of those will be chosen to be the final. I better start studying now than! Might as well since driving conditions and weather is absolutely horrendous!

My professor has also posted up the following:

NYTimes: Critical Thinking and the Future Manager

"As I mentioned the first day of class, Critical Thinking skills and conceptual understanding are the Competitive Advantages of the future manager (like you )"

I read and realized my professor is right on target. Especially when I read this statement:

“If I’m going to really launch you on a career or path where you can make a big impact in the world,” explains the school’s dean, Garth Saloner, “you have to be able to think critically and analytically about the big problems in the world.” -(New York Times Article)

Another part of the article that grabbed my attention was:

"Students in the critical-thinking course explore difficult, broad problems that require value-laden trade-offs. For example, should Google locate its servers for Chinese customers outside China, which might provide inferior service, or inside China, where material could be censored?" - (New York Times Article)

This was a huge topic of discussion in our class. China seems to be taking over alot of things and starting to become the next US. Everyday they are speeding up. It's pretty amazing to follow through news articles.

Well, I'll update you later! Have to look up the two Factor Theory of Herzberg's Theory of Motivation.

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