Thursday, April 1, 2010

Spring Begins!

Wasn't today beautiful? -Today's weather really was warm and sunny and just perfect for the first day of April! It's suppose to get up to the 70's tomorrow.

Today I drove with a friend around enjoying nature and the great out-doors.My Spring Break is about chilling out and relaxing. What have you been
up to?

The movie The Last Song came out in movies yesterday. I can not wait to see it! Like I said before, I loved the book. The coming attractions look very promising!
I hope Miley Cyrus does a good job, I am yet to see her play a mature role, and this one should give her that status for her acting career. I hope to see it this weekend!

Before break is over - I am hoping I get the chance to go to the zoo with my friends. I know this Friday, I'm meeting up with my girls for a picnic! That shall be fun and filled with alot of laughs.

When school is back in session for me- I have to talk to someone about changing my major from health services to Fashion. Health Services is great but, my heart is really ready for a change into fashion- and I am so excited!

I can't wait to see my cousins this weekend on Easter!
Talk to you later!

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