Friday, January 29, 2010


Lately, I been a little behind on things.. I'm still adjusting to not having to wake up at 5 AM and get ready for work. Thinking about how I'm going to make income is now a scary thought, that I really must focus on.

Last nights Business Class - opened my eyes to alot more than what I've been thinking. We discussed that State of the Union Speech that President Obama had presented the night prior. He had come across the topic of Employment. For Obama or not, we all must hope for the best! He is the president.

We got into the topic of outsourcing our work to such places like India, which I knew from experience. Its hard because outsourcing is cheaper for the companies and faster for a result but for us in the US it means alot of layoffs and less jobs. :[

The class has always been very interesting but, he relates the topics to our real world and thats what caught alot of the students attention.

During break I went to the snack machine and saw a table with a sign, Hoola-Hoop for Hati, that was cute. They must of held a contest and raised some money. [: They always have nice things going on. I'm bummed I missed it, it was during my night class.

Today, I'm going to type up some more resumes to send out to local places that are looking for volunteers, so I can spend my time for the greater good and make myself useful than rather be home and bumming it. (: The weathers been flakey lately but I plan on going to the gym and some cafe that apparently was built in a cave. So, for all you Art Students - I will make sure I post up some photographs if they allow me to take pictures!

Talk to you later.

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