Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Hills..

Hey Everyone!
Sorry I have been MIA. I have lost my camera cable so, my updates on day trips will have to be posted up later on when I do locate the cable.

All you fashion majors must be so excited about the premire of the final season of MTV's THE HILLS. Where most of the cast members actually work and went to school for fashion. Three of them even have clothing lines!

Lauren Conrad was the first out of the group to start her own line.
THE LAUREN CONRAD COLLECTION. It is very simple and elegant.
Lauren went to FIDM for college and stayed true to fashion ever since. She has worked for Dots, Teen Vogue, Peoples Revolution -for well known Kelly Coutron who has her own show on Bravo and Style - Kell on Earth.

Heidi Montag followed along with a cheaper in price and more rocked out style.

Than now most recently and shown on her spin off show - The City, Whitney Port has her line out which I enjoy very much!

Check out Whitney's line at:

Are you excited?

You can see her line unfold on her show also on MTV tuesday nights!


She struggles with Olivia giving a bad review to her company magazine.

Whitney has support and help from the power full Kelly - so well see what happens!


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Another day

Sorry, I have been MIA!

Lately, I've been trying to enjoy the weather when it is warm and beautiful.

I'd go to the parks and surround myself by nature. I hope you all are doing the same! GO OUT AND ENJOY IT!

April 11th was my step-father's birthday so- I took him out for a Greek dinner.

Also, that day sadly a close friend of mine's boyfriend's parents made the news.

The details are unfortuante and very horrible.

Rest In Peace

Debbie Shanley

As for the family and my dear friend - stay strong, love you with all my heart, our love support and prayers are with you always.

-----------------------------------------------Has anyone seen THE LAST SONG?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Summer has arrived! (:

Summer weather has beautifully arrived in full action this week, and i love it!

Lately, I been spending my time off - with my friend Corey and her baby Kayla.

The other day we went to the Van Saun Park/Zoo! It was so much fun and very hot out!

For reasons I don't know, the zoo was free that day. The baby Kayla really loved the prarrie dogs most, it was the cutest thing to watch ever! Not all the animals were out and not everything was ready - I am guessing they just opened up the park that day or that week.

I took so many photographs of the animals and kayla's first time at the zoo. I had such a blast. Its always a thrill to see live animals up so close! Once I upload them and find my camera cable I will upload! (: promise! But, I deff. recommend going to the zoo in the afternoon one day!

An awesome show to check out online dealing with students, young drama.

is My Life As Liz

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Weekend

HAPPY EASTER everyone.
  1. Time off has been not so relaxing for me to be honest. I been taking care of my two dogs and being mommy while my family is out and about due to work arrangements lately. It's been very crazy. The weather started becoming so bright and just simply beautiful. Yesterday was the start and today its also again in the 70's. I'm so happy!

Yesterday, was Easter Sunday- First thing in the morning I picked up my stepfather from NYC where he works and we went home got ready and set off for the open road. I had all the goodie-bags and baskets I made for my younger cousins all set. We drove up to my Aunt Lisa's grave and met up with my step grandparents and shared a few smiles, laughs, tears and prayers. Holidays were her thing so its very hard to go through family gatherings with out her. When we arrived someone had dug up a little and put woodchips, fresh dirt in a shape of a square and made a beautiful garden of flowers and crosses in front of her head stone. I added my angel to the collection and smiled. I miss her so much. xox RIP AUNT LISA.

After we went up to upstate New York where my cousins and uncle live for the family gathering in celebration of Easter. It was nice and the weather held up lovely. I still couldnt help but look around and feel that Lisa was still there. It gave me great comfort.

Since the weather has been great, I been taking the dogs on walks early in the morning and just playing with them outside as much as possible. Boy, do they love it!

Hope you all have a wonderful break and a good Easter with loved ones.


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Spring Begins!

Wasn't today beautiful? -Today's weather really was warm and sunny and just perfect for the first day of April! It's suppose to get up to the 70's tomorrow.

Today I drove with a friend around enjoying nature and the great out-doors.My Spring Break is about chilling out and relaxing. What have you been
up to?

The movie The Last Song came out in movies yesterday. I can not wait to see it! Like I said before, I loved the book. The coming attractions look very promising!
I hope Miley Cyrus does a good job, I am yet to see her play a mature role, and this one should give her that status for her acting career. I hope to see it this weekend!

Before break is over - I am hoping I get the chance to go to the zoo with my friends. I know this Friday, I'm meeting up with my girls for a picnic! That shall be fun and filled with alot of laughs.

When school is back in session for me- I have to talk to someone about changing my major from health services to Fashion. Health Services is great but, my heart is really ready for a change into fashion- and I am so excited!

I can't wait to see my cousins this weekend on Easter!
Talk to you later!