Thursday, February 25, 2010


A Day Snowed In At My Home..

Once again, another snow day. Don't know about you, but i dislike snow very much for many reasons besides the obvious. This morning I woke up to a BERK ALERT about cancelled classes for today at the Bergen Campus of Berkeley. I'm so glad Berkeley sends those texts to our phones, its great! Saves us from alot of trouble! Its comes in handy at times like this! -ugh.. snow storms.

I been shoveling non-stop all day. Hours stright with my family. The three of us are exhasted. The news claims that it will be snowing till Sunday! UGH!

While I was drinking hot coco in my kitchen, my outdoor pet Lucky came to visit by the window. I was shocked, wondering why he was out in the cold and not in the little house we made him.

Long story short, when he was born he was left abandoned by family and pushed out of the tree. My one dog brought him in the house and we took care of him till he was better and old enough to be outside on his own. Ever since, everyday at 6pm (dinner time) he goes to the kitchen window while were eating and the puppies go to the window and greet him than we feed him peanuts. Here are some photographs from today.

Lucky eating.

Here is a photograph taken from inside my kitchen of my one dog Snoop and Lucky outside on the other side of the glass waving hello. Haha

Its amazing how they interact with each other and respond. Lucky actually responds to his name when we call him outside or to come in.

I guess its because since he was little and was being raised inside my home that he would be on the floor or on the backs of my dogs.

SO ADORABLE. I thought i'd share.

I have to go back out and shovel again soon. Before that time comes, I have to work on my paper for my Business Organization Class and submit it through blackboard online.

(Lucky's Home) On your right...

Well, I hope you all enjoy your day off due to cancelled classes and get some rest. If for any reason you must be on the road, take your time and be careful!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Student Life

Today I have my computer applications class, I wonder what it will consist of since last class was cancelled due to snow. We are currently working on Power Point presentations. I've been using the program since I was younger but the new version had so much more to offer and thank lord for this class, otherwise I wouldn't know what half of the little logos stand for!

As for my Business Class I checked Blackboard and apparently we have a paper due this Thursday. I'm going to have to really set some time aside and work on that! Its on the topic of Management. Untill this chapter I didnt really know the stategies and details that holds management fully together.

Aside from my courses and personal student life ..I want to know about YOU, my peers.

As a Health Services Major myself, I just wonder what is the most popular major and what course everyone seems to like best here at Berkeley.

I will be putting together a student poll on this, look out for it! AND PLEASE VOICE AND LEND UR OPINIONS! :)


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Geting Ready For Next Quarter

I hope everyone's making their schedules, or has them already set! Also, I wanted to let everyone know in the student center there is handouts about the FAFSA deadline for Berkeley which is May 1, 2010. If you have any questions or need help contact Financial Aid Department.

Speaking of, I am going to do that next week. I've never had to apply before so I am new to it as well as you may be!

Tuesday my computer application class was cancelled due to the snow. I had already arrived there when they had put up the sign, so I did work anyways in the computer lab that I needed to make up. It was nice and peaceful, other students did work as well since they made the drive.

As long as Im on that topic. If anyone is having problems or would like to check into geting a tutor.

Berkeley provides tutoring for :

Computer Applications
Study Skills - Time Management and Test Taking Strategies.

All you have to do is make an appointment!

Go to Tutor Trac!

than logg in with your Blackboard user name and password.

Next, click on "Go To" and "Make an Appointment".

Simple, as 1-2-3!

(: Finals are coming up soon! Be Ready! Be Prepared!

I am totally nervous about my Business Organization Final. I'm already re-studying previous chapters!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


This weekend was colored PINK AND RED where-ever you went. A weekend of LOVE. Valentine's Day Weekend. I hope you all had a nice one with family, friends and loved ones!

I spend my Valentines Day weekend mostly in New York City. My boyfriend and I had tickets in advance to the Tim Burton Exhibit at the MoMa ( Museum of Modern Art ). It was awesome, seeing all his work dating back to when he was young. If any of you readers are Art majors at Berkeley its defiantly something to take advantage of and check out! This exhibit will be there till mid-April!

Tim Burton's Exhibit

-Things from his childhood.
-Art from his beginner days
-His Doodles.


* Tickets to MoMa / Tim Burton Exhibit include free films on certain dates.
There are more but here are the most popular films and their scheduled times.

Pee-Wee's Big Adventure
March 10th at 4PM
April 11th at 5PM

March 6th at 4PM
April 9th at 7PM

April 5th at 4;30PM

Edward Sissorhands
April 26th at 8:00 PM

Batman Returns
March 8th at 8:00PM
April 5th at 8:00PM

The Nightmare Before Christmas
April 25th at 5:00PM

Sleepy Hollow
April 6th at 4:30PM

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
April 15th at 8:00PM

Corpse Bride
March 5th at 4:00PM
April 24th at 2:00PM

Sweenty Todd
March 5th at 7:00PM
April 10th at 4:00PM

So many people from all over were viewing his work. It was crowded, I mean we did go on a Friday afternoon! Tim Burton's work is well known and recognized all over. Did you know his next project is the upcoming Disney Film - Alice in Wonderland!

Here are a few photos that I was able to take at the Exhibit:

(Edward Sissorhands, Drawings, and Batman)

The MoMa has many things to offer and see. I loved and highly enjoyed the design art work on display.

Here is one of the pieces I loved most.

It is a collageof broken plates, cups, teapots and silverware.

If you can, make a trip to the MoMa. :)

After the museum we hit up a local place to eat and headed home. A day trip to the city was just fabulous!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Winter Wonderland

Paramus Campus of Berkeley – School Closed for today.
Manhattan Campus of Berkeley – Evening Classes after 5PM are Closed.

Have you stepped outside yet?
Or dared to take a peek out your window?

Lucky me, I have been constantly in and out shoveling like crazy. In my town we are up to 15 inches of snow. Claiming a snow fall of 3 inches per hour. If you don’t have to go anywhere, stay off the roads! My back is killing me from throwing the shovel over and dumping the snow. Be careful and take your time! Even if the snow keeps piling up, you must relax and take your time and take breaks!
But! For some reason you must be on the road , I am going to list some things for you – and for future reference as well.

Here are some Safety Tips on Driving in Snow:

1. Get a good grip. Make sure you have the right type of tires on your vehicle! To have adequate snow traction, a tire requires at least 6/32-inch deep tread, according to The Tire Rack.

2. Make sure you can see clearly! Replace windshield wiper blades. Clean the inside of your windows thoroughly as well. Apply a water-shedding material (for example Rain-X) to the outside of all windows, including the mirrors. Make sure your windshield washer system works! Also full of an anti-icing fluid.

3. Run the air-conditioner / Defrosters. In order to remove condensation and frost from the interior of windows, It's fine to set the temperature on "hot."

4. Your Head lights. Using your headlights will not only help you see better of where you are going but let others on the road see you as well. Also before you drive when cleaning off your car make sure to brush off any snow that may be stuck on your lights!

5. Give yourself a brake. Learn how to get maximum efficiency from your brakes before an emergency. Stay hard on the pedal. Steer around the obstacle. (A warning: A little bit of steering goes a very long way in an emergency.

6. BLACK ICE! If the road looks slippery that it most likely is. Go slow and light. Black ice aka Glare ice can look like a dark harmless puddle, don’t let it fool you! Black ice is one of the most dangerous obstacles you encounter during winter roads.

7. Remember Roads. If you are going local or somewhere you know how to get to with out a GPS device or such, try and remember what those roads are like when it is not covered in snow. For example does it curve a lot or does it have a sharp turn. Also if you can think about what it was like last winter as well and if you should avoid it.

8. Do not steer alot. If a slick section in a turn causes your front tires to lose grip, the common — but incorrect — reaction is to continue turning the steering wheel. Sadly, there are situations where nothing will prevent a crash, but turning the steering too much never helps!

9. Avoid those rear-tire slides.. If you buy winter tires, make sure you purchase all 4. Also be sure your rear tires have at least as much tread as your front tires.

10. “Technology offers no miracles”. False sense of security can be given with all-wheel drive and electronic stability options.

11. Relax, Keep Calm. Do not worry yourself and freak out – that never helps a situation.

12. No Distractions. Keep the radio off as much as you can. The less distractions the more you can focus on the roads ahead and getting yourself to your destination!

Regardless of your driving skill, experience or vehicle preparation, there are some winter road and weather conditions that can't be conquered. Don’t be fooled!
Enjoy your day off! (:

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Black History Month Events @ Berkeley

Here are the events set up at Berkeley's Paramus Campus:
2/18 12:00PM - Topics in Anti - Violence and Prejudice - Personal Counseling.

2/23 In the Heights - Broadway Trip @ 7:00 PM Show

2/24 @ 12:00PM Hip Hop & Fashion From SDCL & Fashion Club

2/25 Mari Gras, New Orleans Jazz From SDCL & Financial Aid

* Last night I went to the library to check out some books for class and as I waited to make copies I went to walk towards the hall-way and saw a beautiful quilt like design on the wall.

Its worth going for a walk towards the Student Center to check it out.

Picture Taken by Linda Nelson

Also, as a side note - students, take advantage of the library as much as you can! All the right and useful tools are there at your finger tips, including the Academic Student Center if you are interested in getting help and tutoring!

[ I will be puting up some interesting art work soon, hope you enjoy! :) ]

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Aside from school, let me write to you about today - which is Superbowl Sunday 44! Cults VS the Saints

This game is full of a bunch of history in the making possibilities. For example, for the Cults this could be the 2nd Rookie coach to take into a superbowl.

As for the Saints, it is the first time for them to be in the superbowl.

The festivities started with a opening song from Queen Latifa and National Anthem sung by Carrie Underwood.

I was all for the Saints. Nice passes and catches through out the entire game, all clean. The Saints have a strong defensive line putting real pressure on Payton Manning of the Cults, yes - Eli Manning of the Giants' brother.

* First in history of Superbowls a 96 Yard Drive was made by a member of the Cults.

The game ended with the Saints winning with 31 points! (:

I kept my eye out on Reggie Bush of the New Orleans Saints. For all you ladies, yes he is the NFL football player dating the beautiful famous Kim Kardashian!

Hope you all had a wonderful Sunday & I hope you had your bets on the Saints!ttyl, got to check my grades on blackboard.


Friday, February 5, 2010

Winter Time

*UPDATE* Sorry about the pictures not being posted up yet.
I promise I will have them up asap!!- Thanks xo

Man, am I not looking forward to this snow storm that the media is promoting that's suppose to hit tonight into tomorrow night. :\ I don't enjoy snow. I CANT DRIVE ANYWHERE! Hopefully, you all drive safe if your on the roads tonight! W/love.

My two night classes have been flying by. The Computer Applications class, we are already on Chapter 4. As for the Business Organization class we are on Chapter 6. Berkeley is already having registration for quarter 3! Hurry up on that and make your schedules! Make sure you get the classes you want! :)

Well, its February - Happy Black History Month!
If you go to the Berkeley College Campus in Manhattan, New York City there's so many places in NYC that you can visit or experience for this celebration. Check out the concert's at B.B King's Bar&Grill, the famous Appolo Theatre where famous acts first started out as youngsters such as, Bessie Smith, Ella Fitzgerald, and Billie Holliday to Luther Vandross, James Brown, and Mariah Carey and Michael Jackson.

To go into more depth about this historic place here is some information!

Apollo Theater - This famous entertainment landmark and stage was built in 1914 in the heart of Harlem. It has been the beginning showcase for some of the most influential and popular African-American performers.


You can also check out such amazing live performances on Broadway like
THE COLOR PURPLE. Previously starring recording artist Fantasia Barrino ( famous from American Idol).

A well known and respected story that you can read is:

ROOTS by Alex Haley
The book that changed America.
From the official website- "Alex Haley's Roots is the monumental two-century drama of Kunta Kinte and the six generations who came after him. By tracing back his own roots, Haley tells the story of 39 million Americans of African descent. He has rediscovered for an entire people a rich cultural heritage that ultimately speaks to all races everywhere, for the story it tells is one of the most eloquent testimonials ever written to the indomitably of the human spirit."

A Famous African American Woman to celebrate always on this month I believe is Oprah Winfrey. Oprah Gail Winfrey was born on January 29, 1954. As an American television host, producer, and philanthropist, best known for her self-titled, multi-award winning talk show, which has become the highest-rated program of its kind in history. She has been ranked and rated the richest African American of the 20th century and beyond the greatest black philanthropist in American history and was once the world's only black billionaire at one point. She is also, according to some assessments, the most influential woman in the world. Certainly one of the strongest as well.

Talk to you all later, I have to get ready for my friends birthday dinner.
Happy Birthday Josh!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Short but Sweet UPDATE

Back in New Jersey, I am!
I been away for the weekend visiting my father in MA.
It was a nice trip and I had lots of fun...back to school, I go!

*This quarter's classes are going fast, right?

I will update tonight or the following day with pictures included!